What are the main points of “Think and Grow Rich”? 1. Attitudes are the result of your thoughts; 2. Know what you want and have a fire in your belly; 3. You are the product of your thoughts, so believe ...
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Grant Cardone’s “The 10X Rule” book summary
Shaista Ansari
“You must set targets that are 10 times what you think you want and then do 10 times what you think it will take to achieve those targets,” says the 10X Rule. Massive ideas must be accompanied by massive actions.” ...
What do we think about mental health?
Hey all ! I am Ankit Today I am here to share one of my experience about mental health issue with you all Silent storm in my mind One of my friends called me oye pagal (MENTAL),After hearing that words ...
How to stop getting angry ? Tips to reduce anger
Shaista Ansari
Why Are We Feeling So Bad? Anger isn’t a pleasant emotion. It’s truly quite revolting. Our stomachs constrict, we sweat, and we respond – rather than act – in survival mode. And rage impairs our judgment, prompting us to react ...
Why don’t affirmations work for you? How to make them work!
Shaista Ansari
What are affirmations? You may have heard of affirmations and how powerful they can be, but do you know why? An affirmation is a brief but powerful statement. They allow you to consciously control your thoughts. Affirmations are carefully crafted ...
10 min rule for productivity and challenge procrastination!
Shaista Ansari
What is the 10-minute rule? Mental strength can help you be productive when you don’t feel like it, but it’s not a magic wand that will make you feel motivated all the time. There is a 10-minute rule that comes ...
Don’t judge a person by fancy job title and salary package !!
Shaista Ansari
This perception needs to be changed where society’s norm of success is the job title and salary package. The person who is having a high package and fancy job title may look good from the outside but we never know ...
How to say no — Without Feeling Guilty
Shaista Ansari
Saying no is one of the most difficult things to do. Tips for saying ‘no’ Start positive. “Use a positive, shared experience. If I’m talking to an old swimming teammate, I can start with, ‘Remember when you won that race?’ ...
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
Shaista Ansari
Why is one person sad and another happy? Why is one person joyous and prosperous and another poor and miserable? Why is one person a success while another an abject failure?The answer to these questions is very simple. The secret ...
Affirmations of Louise Hay – this can change your life
Shaista Ansari
Through Louise’s healing techniques and positive philosophy, millions have learned to create more of what they want in their lives–more wellness in their bodies, minds, and spirits. Louise was able to put her philosophies into practice when she was diagnosed ...