Tony, whose name has been withheld to protect privacy, was a highly skilled senior professional with a strong work ethic. Would show up to work, go above and above to finish his assignments and give clients outstanding service, and had ...
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Struggle to Catch Zzz’s? You’re Not Alone (But Relief is Here!)
Shaista Ansari
This is how your night goes if you’re anything like me. You brush your teeth, put on your pajamas, cuddle up in bed, turn down the lights after a long day, and then… nothing. No, not that kind of nothing, ...
Exploring the School Wilderness: Stories of students and Psychological wellness Hacks
Shaista Ansari
Exploring the School Wilderness: Stories of a (Super) Stimulated Turtle and Psychological wellness Hacks Envision yourself as a small turtle, rucksack spilling over with course books and dreams, trudging through the clamoring wilderness of school life. New faces pro by ...
Tips to have good social circle and friends
Shaista Ansari
Having a good social circle and a strong group of friends can be an important part of leading a happy and fulfilling life. Having a good social support system can provide us with a sense of belonging, help us cope ...
Think And Grow Rich Summary
Shaista Ansari
What are the main points of “Think and Grow Rich”? 1. Attitudes are the result of your thoughts; 2. Know what you want and have a fire in your belly; 3. You are the product of your thoughts, so believe ...
Don’t judge a person by fancy job title and salary package !!
Shaista Ansari
This perception needs to be changed where society’s norm of success is the job title and salary package. The person who is having a high package and fancy job title may look good from the outside but we never know ...
How to say no — Without Feeling Guilty
Shaista Ansari
Saying no is one of the most difficult things to do. Tips for saying ‘no’ Start positive. “Use a positive, shared experience. If I’m talking to an old swimming teammate, I can start with, ‘Remember when you won that race?’ ...
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
Shaista Ansari
Why is one person sad and another happy? Why is one person joyous and prosperous and another poor and miserable? Why is one person a success while another an abject failure?The answer to these questions is very simple. The secret ...
You’re Successful, But Why Are You Not Happy
Shaista Ansari
To be an effective yet despondent individual appears to be a genuine conundrum, yet they exist undeniably more than you may anticipate. Which makes one wonder, for what reason are some effective individuals troubled? I’ve explored and discovered seven justifications ...
A Guide to Saying No Politely
Shaista Ansari
Art of Saying “No”
That’s true both at work and in personal relationships. When a colleague asks you to take on a project you don’t have the bandwidth for, pushing back without leaving them feeling rebuffed is a valuable skill.
Likewise, when you get an invite you’re just not up for, knowing how to say no politely keeps
things from getting awkward.