Set goals and time limits: Determine specific goals for your social media usage, such as staying connected with friends and family, networking, or staying informed about current events. Set time limits for using social media, and stick to them. You ...
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What Happens to Toddlers When They Watch TV All Day?
Shaista Ansari
What Happens to Toddlers When They Watch TV All Day? Toddlers are at a critical stage in their development, and their brains are rapidly developing during this period. However, excessive TV watching can negatively impact their health and well-being in ...
“Have I ruined my child with tv”
Shaista Ansari
Effects of television “Have I ruined my child with tv” As a parent, it’s not uncommon to wonder if you’re doing everything right. Are you feeding your child the right foods? Are they getting enough sleep? And, perhaps one of ...
“How can I get rid of mobile addiction”
Shaista Ansari
Developing healthy habits and practicing self-discipline are essential to getting rid of mobile addiction. In today’s digital age, it is all too easy to become addicted to our mobile devices. Whether we are constantly checking social media, playing games, or ...
“Mood disorders treatment psychotherapy”
Shaista Ansari
Mood disorders, such as depression and bipolar disorder, can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. While medication can be helpful for managing symptoms, psychotherapy can be an effective treatment for mood disorders. In this article, we’ll explore how psychotherapy ...
“How to make your child listen without yelling”
Shaista Ansari
As parents, we all want our children to listen to us and follow our instructions. However, constantly yelling or raising our voices can have negative effects on both our children’s behavior and our relationship with them. In this article, we’ll ...
how to stop being emotionally reactive
Shaista Ansari
Reacting impulsively can often lead to negative consequences, such as damaged relationships, lost opportunities, and regret. However, it can be challenging to control our impulses, especially when we’re feeling emotional or stressed. In this blog post, we’ll explore some strategies ...
Anger Management
Shaista Ansari
Anger management is a critical skill that everyone should possess. Anger is a natural and normal emotion that arises in response to certain situations. However, when it gets out of control, it can lead to negative consequences, including strained relationships, ...
Tips to have good social circle and friends
Shaista Ansari
Having a good social circle and a strong group of friends can be an important part of leading a happy and fulfilling life. Having a good social support system can provide us with a sense of belonging, help us cope ...
5 Tips for Managing Anxiety and Anger at the Workplace
Shaista Ansari5 Tips for Managing Anxiety and Anger at the Workplace Anxiety and anger are common emotions that can affect anyone, regardless of their profession or workplace. They can be caused by a variety of factors, such as high levels of ...