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That purpose in career .. how to love it again
Your professional life, just like your personal life, is a work in progress. When you start a job, it's all new and exciting. You may find yourself easily overlooking imperfections and dismissing signs that call this new arrangement into question. With time, the job that once seemed so perfect may lRead more
Your professional life, just like your personal life, is a work in progress. When you start a job, it’s all new and exciting. You may find yourself easily overlooking imperfections and dismissing signs that call this new arrangement into question.
With time, the job that once seemed so perfect may lose its luster. You may become complacent, disinterested, or irked by little things you used to find endearing or not even notice. You may begin to wonder if the grass is greener on the other side.
Sometimes the answer is obvious. Your new boss could be a jerk, or maybe you burned out by staying late or skipping lunch every day. For some, however, disillusionment grew slowly over time, in which case you’re not really sure what caused you to disconnect from work.
“When you can identify the parts of your job that are causing you grief, it makes it easier to come up with a plan to address the issues, either with individuals or with yourself,”
If you have lost interest in your daily work or feel stagnant, it may be a sign that you are ready to take on new tasks or more responsibilities.
This would be the time to talk about steps for a promotion or role expansion with your manager.
You don’t have to love all your co-workers, but you should make an effort to become friends with at least one or two.
“There tends to be a high correlation between work fatigue or losing interest in your work and isolation and loneliness,” said Eli Howayeck, career coach and founder and CEO of Crafted Career Concepts.
– Sometimes a bit of friendly human contact is all we need to carry us forward.
– A mentor can provide you with honest feedback and guidance and help get you back on track when you are floundering. Seek to connect with someone in your workplace who performs well, is admired and respected by the leadership and employees alike, and is willing to invest time in helping you grow professionally.
– Break out of your routine and try making changes, small as they may be, to the way you approach your day. If you rarely leave your desk, force yourself to go outside and take a 10-minute walk.
– Take advantage of wellness programs or other opportunities for personal enrichment within the work setting to offset the daily grind.
– Job burnout is one of the main reasons people fall out of love with their work.
Being overworked, having stressful projects, and not taking enough time for themselves to rest and recover can quickly lead to feelings of resentment and contempt toward their job.
Taking time off for a trip or even a staycation, where you completely unwind and unplug from the day-to-day of the office, is going to have huge, rejuvenating benefits
– If you find yourself feeling down at work, slip on your headphones, hit Play, and immerse yourself in your favorite tunes.
– Take the time and effort to create a rich life outside the workplace. This will look different for every person. For some, it may be about cultivating hobbies, while others will focus on building community. Regardless of what you choose to do, when you strengthen your sense of self and become happier with who you are as a person, the joy you create will inevitably trickle into your work life.
– If you’ve tried everything and you are still miserable, “I won’t always work here.” You may have to stay in your current job for the time being, but you can also begin actively planning for your future. This can include researching other positions in or outside your company, networking, updating your resume, and furthering your education to increase your skills. All these steps position you to take a leap into a new role when you’re ready.
At the end, I want to say that find out your true passion and purpose of life, the work which you enjoy most or something which makes others happy. You will be truly blessed when you start giving happiness to others, give something back to society: that is priceless feeling when you wipe someone tears, feed a hungry or make someone laugh.
All the best for your future life.
See lessThis year have been so stressful for a person like me who is going through constant anxiety.
I can totally understand that and can imagine what you all are going through. Its difficult to sit in front of the laptop all time and concentrate. Try to think positive about all these things as they are temporary and things will be alright very soon. Try to enjoy this difficult time and take thisRead more
I can totally understand that and can imagine what you all are going through. Its difficult to sit in front of the laptop all time and concentrate. Try to think positive about all these things as they are temporary and things will be alright very soon. Try to enjoy this difficult time and take this as a challenge to empower yourself. Try to do some guided meditation and reciting affirmations with the help of YouTube. Meditation will help you reducing this anxiety and help you in concentrating.
See lessAlso devote some time in physical exercise and sports, this will rejuvenate you and help you to focus in studies and mental health will also improve.
Being a very introverted person, very sensitive, can’t tolerate the rudeness of other people
I can relate to you very well. I was also like you in my college and school days; I used to think all the time about making friends as I was not good at making friends and I was very shy that time. It happens also with very sensitive people who get hurt easily and take things personally. I would recRead more
I can relate to you very well. I was also like you in my college and school days; I used to think all the time about making friends as I was not good at making friends and I was very shy that time. It happens also with very sensitive people who get hurt easily and take things personally. I would recommend trying guided meditation, affirmations and hypnotherapy to overcome all such issues.
See lessIn todays digital world youtube has been become a solution for all of our problems. You will get plenty of guided meditations on all issues, affirmations and hypnosis videos. Just search and start practising daily in the morning and before going to sleep. You will feel a lot more relaxed and will slowly overcome all your issues.
For example, search something similar ‘guided meditation for emotional strength or emotional intelligence’ OR ‘guided meditation for introverts’ OR
‘Afiirmations for removing social anxiety’ OR
‘Hypnosis for removing social anxiety or increasing confidence level ’
The list goes on..
All the best….