The inspirational tale of the Rickshawwala teacher—a City Symphony and a smiling driver—from honking streets to rolling classrooms A City Symphony and a Driver with a Smile Imagine a city in which the ceaseless honking is not only a sound ...
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Is Workplace Peace a Myth? Strategies to Stay Out of the Office Fray
Shaista Ansari
Is Workplace Peace a Myth? Strategies to Stay Out of the Office Fray You do not go to work hoping to deal with a whole bunch of coworker drama no one does which is exactly why you don’t do office ...
Mastering Office Politics: 5 Simple Strategies for Success
Shaista Ansari
Mastering Office Politics: 5 Simple Strategies for Success If you don’t know how to play office politics, it’s going to cost you promotions. Top pay increases your reputation and any influence you have. And don’t think that you can escape ...
Managing Stress and Overwork in Today’s Workplaces: The Pressure to Perform
Shaista Ansari
The workplace of today is a pressure cooker. Demanding deadlines, always-on technology, and a fiercely competitive market combine to produce a powerful concoction of stress and overwork from which it might seem hard to recover. Workers in all sectors are ...
Grant Cardone’s “The 10X Rule” book summary
Shaista Ansari
“You must set targets that are 10 times what you think you want and then do 10 times what you think it will take to achieve those targets,” says the 10X Rule. Massive ideas must be accompanied by massive actions.” ...
Many couples are not willing to have children in US and they are happy as others
Having a child is often thought of as an important milestone in an adult’s life. Many adults assume this as the natural progression, and those who have children of their own often look at child-free individuals as if they’re missing ...
I went on Omegle 😳
FaultyDuring Quarantine I am sure I wasn’t the only person feeling lonely. Hopefully, you didn’t cope with it as I did. You see… I decided to venture on: Omegle. Plenty of YouTubers had made entertaining content on it, and I ...