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I went on Omegle 😳

During Quarantine I am sure I wasn’t the only person feeling lonely. Hopefully, you didn’t cope with it as I did. You see… I decided to venture on: Omegle.
Plenty of YouTubers had made entertaining content on it, and I needed something to cure my boredom.
I met this guy he was 17-18 ( around my age) He was HOTTT! and we started talking on Snap. He was so nice, the flattery and compliments he gave me: 😍 😍 !! AMAZING.

You have to understand that this was the first time anyone of the male species has paid any attention to me. (Ik that’s just sad) So, me being in the love bubble suggested that we…send romantic messages! I hate myself for that and after it happened I ignored him for days.

I was going to block him and that would be the end of it, but he was so sweet and I liked that. I responded with: “Sorry I have been busy” He didn’t reply for a couple of days probably giving me a taste of my own medicine, I then got sad and went on a social media detox while my family and I went camping for 3 weeks.

When we got back from our trip I missed our conversations and wanted to talk to him again. HE BLOCKED ME!!! I guess looking back it was for the better but I did still cry about it,

he wasn’t so sweet after all and turned out to be a total jerk. Anyway, I have learned my lesson and hope you have learned too. Thanks for reading!

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