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Anxiety Affirmations

Anxiety Affirmations

Thank you for being here dear soul, this is Shaista here. I am truly honoured, privileged and grateful for the opportunity to serve and connect with you. Now in this present moment, thank you for allowing me to be your guide now. I wonder if you can breathe a little bit deeper and fuller now.

Inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Imagine that the empowering and loving words that I share now are your words that they are your reality.


Best Affirmations for happiness & Joy

Best Affirmations for happiness & Joy

Feeling happy is generally important for all of us. In fact, most of us are driven by the search for happiness in everything we do. We think we will finally be happy when we achieve our goals. It’s actually easier and more effective to simply focus on creating happy feelings now, rather than waiting for something to happen to stimulate our ability to feel happy. Happiness as a fundamental way of being is truly the source of all the good in our lives. (more…)